Soccer picks Nadal on leaving to play in Paris 3 weeks after the birth of his son: We are lucky because we can call each other by video at any time

It was always hard to leave home, and this time it was different.
It is quite interesting that even if the child is two or three weeks old, if you cannot communicate with him much yet, you start to miss him. This is a new experience. Any changes are difficult, you have to adapt - and, to be honest, it is difficult for me. It is logical that it will become more difficult, you need to be more flexible. This is a unique experience.
Life for those who travel is not as difficult as for those who stay with a child. And at the same time, we are really lucky, because now, thanks to technology, we can have video calls at any time, it helps. My friends who had children before did not have this opportunity.
Nadal on leaving to play in Paris 3 weeks after the birth of his son: We are lucky because we can call each other by video at any time Soccer picks - more details and information: Soccer picks
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